Results for 'Elizabeth Siobhan Donoghue-Armstrong'

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  1.  29
    When guidelines need guidance: considerations and strategies for improving the adoption of chronic disease evidence by general practitioners.Elizabeth Kendall, Naomi Sunderland, Heidi Muenchberger & Kylie Armstrong - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):1082-1090.
  2. Robert Peril And His 1524 Privilege.Elizabeth Armstrong - 1999 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 61 (1):85-93.
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    Gendered Sexuality in Young Adulthood: Double Binds and Flawed Options.Elizabeth A. Armstrong & Laura Hamilton - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (5):589-616.
    Current work on hooking up—or casual sexual activity on college campuses—takes an individualistic, “battle of the sexes” approach and underestimates the importance of college as a classed location. The authors employ an interactional, intersectional approach using longitudinal ethnographic and interview data on a group of college women’s sexual and romantic careers. They find that heterosexual college women contend with public gender beliefs about women’s sexuality that reinforce male dominance across both hookups and committed relationships. The four-year university, however, also reflects (...)
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    It’s a Boy.Elizabeth Armstrong - 2017 - Voices in Bioethics 3.
    On September 27, 2016 people across the world looked down at their buzzing phones to see the AP Alert: “Baby born with DNA from 3 people, first from new technique.” It was an announcement met with confusion by many, but one that polarized the scientific community almost instantly. Some celebrated the birth as an advancement that could help women with a family history of mitochondrial diseases prevent the transmission of the disease to future generations; others held it unethical, citing medical (...)
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  5. J.B. Monzetti's Consolation For Mary Tudor, Queen Of France: A Little Known Edition Of Henri [i] Estienne.Elizabeth Armstrong - 2002 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 64 (2):251-270.
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  6. The Origins Of Chrétien Wechel Re-examined.Elizabeth Armstrong - 1961 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 23 (2):341-346.
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  7. Culture, Power, and Institutions: A Multi-Institutional Politics Approach to Social Movements.Elizabeth A. Armstrong & Mary Bernstein - 2008 - Sociological Theory 26 (1):74 - 99.
    We argue that critiques of political process theory are beginning to coalesce into new approach to social movements--a "multi-institutional politics" approach. While the political process model assumes that domination is organized by and around one source of power, the alternative perspective views domination as organized around multiple sources of power, each of which is simultaneously material and symbolic. We examine the conceptions of social movements, politics, actors, goals, and strategies supported by each model, demonstrating that the view of society and (...)
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  8. Motivating the Difficult to Teach.David Galloway, Colin Rogers, Derrick Armstrong & Elizabeth Leo - 1998 - British Journal of Educational Studies 46 (4):479-480.
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    Understanding and defining cognitive style and learning style: a Delphi study in the context of educational psychology.Steven J. Armstrong, Elizabeth R. Peterson & Stephen G. Rayner - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (4):449-455.
    This report outlines the findings from a Delphi study designed to establish consensus on the definitions of cognitive style and learning style amongst an international style researcher community. The study yields long-needed definitions for each construct that reflect high levels of agreement. In a field that has been criticised for a bewildering array of definitions and a proliferation of terms and concepts, this study represents an important step to address confusion in the meaning of the two terms. New researchers interested (...)
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    Acknowledgment of external reviewers for 2004.Elizabeth Armstrong, Ron Aminzade, Kenneth Baynes, Jerome P. Baggett, Fred Block, Christine Boyer, Gene Burns, Nick Couldry, Nick Crossley & Harry F. Dahms - 2005 - Theory and Society 34 (1):109-110.
  11. Notes On The Works Of Guillaume Michel, Dit De Tours.Elizabeth Armstrong - 1969 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 31 (2):257-281.
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  12. Robert Ii Estienne A Paris.Elizabeth Armstrong - 1958 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 20 (2):349-369.
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  13. Deux Notes Sur Pierre Hamon.Elizabeth Armstrong - 1963 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 25 (3):543-551.
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    Book Review: Cut It Out: The C-Section Epidemic in America by Theresa Morris. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Mitchell Armstrong - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (5):781-783.
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  15. Risk and the Pregnant Body.Anne Drapkin Lyerly, Lisa M. Mitchell, Elizabeth Mitchell Armstrong, Lisa H. Harris, Rebecca Kukla, Miriam Kuppermann & Margaret Olivia Little - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (6):34-42.
    Reasoning well about risk is most challenging when a woman is pregnant, for patient and doctor alike. During pregnancy, we tend to note the risks of medical interventions without adequately noting those of failing to intervene, yet when it's time to give birth, interventions are seldom questioned, even when they don't work. Meanwhile, outside the clinic, advice given to pregnant women on how to stay healthy in everyday life can seem capricious and overly cautious. This kind of reasoning reflects fear, (...)
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    Finding autonomy in birth.Rebecca Kukla, Miriam Kuppermann, Margaret Little, Anne Drapkin Lyerly, Lisa M. Mitchell, Elizabeth M. Armstrong & Lisa Harris - 2008 - Bioethics 23 (1):1-8.
    Over the last several years, as cesarean deliveries have grown increasingly common, there has been a great deal of public and professional interest in the phenomenon of women 'choosing' to deliver by cesarean section in the absence of any specific medical indication. The issue has sparked intense conversation, as it raises questions about the nature of autonomy in birth. Whereas mainstream bioethical discourse is used to associating autonomy with having a large array of choices, this conception of autonomy does not (...)
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    The Medicine of Art: Disease and the Aesthetic Object in Gilded Age America, by Elizabeth L. Lee. New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2022.Siobhan Conaty - 2023 - Journal of Medical Humanities 44 (4):589-591.
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  18.  51
    Armstrong and the Direct Realist Theory of Perception.Elizabeth Potter - 1980 - Journal of Critical Analysis 8 (3):75-88.
  19.  10
    The Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative: Single data dictionary to predict outcome for people with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury.Melinda Fitzgerald, Jennie Ponsford, Regina Hill, Nick Rushworth, Elizabeth Kendall, Elizabeth Armstrong, John Gilroy, Jonathon Bullen, Jemma Keeves, Matthew K. Bagg, Sarah Hellewell, Natasha Lannin, Terence O'Brien, Peter Cameron, James Cooper & Belinda Gabbe - unknown
    In this series of eight articles, the Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative (AUS-TBI) consortium describes the Australian approach used to select the common data elements collected acutely that have been shown to predict outcome following moderate-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) across the lifespan. This article presents the unified single data dictionary, together with additional measures chosen to facilitate comparative effectiveness research and data linkage. Consultations with the AUS-TBI Lived Experience Expert Group provided insights on the merits and considerations regarding data (...)
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    Acosta-Hughes, Benjamin, Elizabeth Kosmetatou, and Manuel Baumbach, eds. Labored in Papyrus Leaves: Perspectives on an Epigram Collection Attributed to Posidippus (P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309). Hellenic Studies 2. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2004. xiv+ 377 pp. 4 black-and-white figs. Paper, $25. Ando, Clifford, ed. Roman Religion. Edinburgh Readings on the Ancient World. [REVIEW]David Armstrong, Jeffrey Fish, Patricia A. Johnston, Marilyn B. Skinner, Luigi Belloni, Lia de Finis, Gabriella Moretti & Antonella Borgo - 2004 - American Journal of Philology 125:471-478.
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    The Philosophy of Epictetus. [REVIEW]D. O’Donoghue - 1957 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 7:236-237.
    The Discourses of Epictetus were first translated into English by Mrs. Elizabeth Carter in 1758. This translation was rewritten in 1865 by an American, Thomas W. Higginson. In 1890 Bohn’s Classical Library issued a translation with notes and a life of Epictetus by George Long. Like Higginson, Long began by attempting a revision of Mrs. Carter’s version, and then decided to make his own translation, which he later compared with Mrs. Carter’s and with the Latin version. Apparently Long knew (...)
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  22. Non-Inferential Moral Knowledge.Elizabeth Tropman - 2011 - Acta Analytica 26 (4):355-366.
    In a series of recent papers, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong has developed a novel argument against moral intuitionism. I suggest a defense on behalf of the intuitionist against Sinnott-Armstrong’s objections. Rather than focus on the main premises of his argument, I instead examine the way in which Sinnott-Armstrong construes the intuitionistic position. I claim that Sinnott-Armstrong’s understanding of intuitionism is mistaken. In particular, I argue that Sinnott-Armstrong mischaracterizes non-inferentiality as it figures in intuitionism. To the extent that (...)
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  23.  29
    Review of U.t. Place, George Graham (ed), Elizabeth R. Valentine (ed), Identifying the Mind: Selected Papers of U.T. Place[REVIEW]D. M. Armstrong - 2004 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2004 (12).
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    Global justice, sovereign wealth funds and saving for the future.Elizabeth Finneron-Burns - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    In this paper I give some reasons why ‘saving for future generations’ is not as straightforward as it sounds and when we might be skeptical of the permissibility of states saving for future citizens, even though such savings are often seen to be morally praiseworthy. I emerge with an account of when state savings for future citizens through sovereign wealth funds may be morally permissible. I argue that we ought to follow a modified version of Armstrong’s criteria for the (...)
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    Virus as a figure of geontopower or how to practice Foucault now?Fabiana Jardim, Annika Skoglund, Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha & David Armstrong - 2023 - Foucault Studies 35:211-231.
    Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Franz Boas Professor at Columbia University, is a philosopher and anthropologist who has critically engaged with Michel Foucault’s ideas as well as scholarship inspired by his works. Povinelli has been dedicated to research on colonialism within liberalism and is also a filmmaker and founding member of The Karrabing Film Collective. The film collective is part of a larger organization of Aboriginal peoples and artists living in the Australian Northern Territory that refuses ‘fantasies of sovereignty and property’.[1] (...)
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    Elizabeth Mitchell Armstrong is asso.Nancy Berlinger, Pauline W. Chen, Rebecca Dresser, Nancy Neveloff Dubler, Anne Lederman Flamm, Susan Gilbert, Mark A. Hall & Lisa H. Harris - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Robert Estienne, Royal Printer. Elizabeth Armstrong.Dorothy Schullan - 1956 - Isis 47 (2):200-201.
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    Book Review: Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality by Elizabeth A. Armstrong and Laura T. Hamilton. [REVIEW]Allison L. Hurst - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (1):169-171.
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  29. Elizabeth Spelman, Gender Realism, and Women.Mari Mikkola - 2001 - Hypatia 21 (4):77-96.
    Spelman has famously argued against gender realism (the view that women have some social feature in common that makes them women). Many feminist philosophers have accepted Spelman’s argument and gender realist positions are, generally speaking, rejected. I show that Spelman’s arguments are inadequate and do not give good reasons to reject gender realism per se. I also propose a gender realist position that makes use of David Armstrong’s work on complex universals.
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  30. Heuristic epistemology to limit divisiveness.Malcolm Cc Armstrong - 2009 - Journal of Dharma 34 (2):207-220.
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  31. Itineraries in late antiquity.A. Hilary Armstrong - 1989 - In Rudolf Ritsema, Wegkreuzungen. Frankfurt am Main: Insel.
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  32. Hume and Julius Caesar.Elizabeth Anscombe - 1973 - Analysis 34 (1):1–7.
  33. Animal others: On ethics, ontology and animal life.Elizabeth A. Behnke - 1999 - In H. Peter Steeves, [no title]. State University of New York Press. pp. 93-116.
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    Hospitableness.Elizabeth Telfer - 1995 - Philosophical Papers 24 (3):183-196.
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    Princes and Peasants: Smallpox in History. Donald R. Hopkins.Elizabeth Free - 1984 - Isis 75 (4):747-748.
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    Science with Practice: Charles E. Bessey and the Maturing of American BotanyRichard A. Overfield.Elizabeth Keeney - 1994 - Isis 85 (1):165-165.
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    Right without might: Liberal minority politics.Elizabeth Kingdom - 1997 - Res Publica 3 (1):115-119.
  38.  13
    L’esthétique du quotidien et la fiction au dix-huitième siècle : Robinson Crusoé de Defoe et Sir Charles Grandison de Richardson.Elizabeth Kraft - 2022 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 41:113.
    This essay employs strategies drawn from the emergent field of everyday aesthetics to explore the pleasures of reading Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe and Samuel Richardson’s Sir Charles Grandison. As a fictional paradigm, Crusoe has been a paradoxical inspiration, inviting critique as a seductive representative of colonial power, on the one hand, and eliciting admiration for his ability to provoke meaningful artistic and intellectual engagement from a diverse group of writers and thinkers, on the other hand. To many ordinary readers, he (...)
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  39. Ministry of truth handbook: excerpt on the strategic use of fallacious reasoning for thoughtcrime prevention.Elizabeth Rard - 2018 - In Ezio Di Nucci & Stefan Storrie, 1984 and philosophy, is resistance futile? Chicago: Open Court.
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  40. Uncertainty, Learning, and the “Problem” of Dilation.Seamus Bradley & Katie Siobhan Steele - 2013 - Erkenntnis 79 (6):1287-1303.
    Imprecise probabilism—which holds that rational belief/credence is permissibly represented by a set of probability functions—apparently suffers from a problem known as dilation. We explore whether this problem can be avoided or mitigated by one of the following strategies: (a) modifying the rule by which the credal state is updated, (b) restricting the domain of reasonable credal states to those that preclude dilation.
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    The Rebirth of Kinship.Mary K. Shenk & Siobhán M. Mattison - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (1-2):1-15.
    Kinship was one of the key areas of research interest among anthropologists in the nineteenth century, one of the most hotly debated areas of theory in the early and mid-twentieth century, and yet an area of waning interest by the end of the twentieth century. Since then, the study of kinship has experienced a revitalization, with concomitant disputes over how best to proceed. This special issue brings together recent studies of kinship by scientific anthropologists employing evolutionary theory and quantitative methods. (...)
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  42.  19
    The Artful Dialogue: Some Thoughts on the Relation of Biblical Studies and Homiletics.Elizabeth Achtemeier - 1981 - Interpretation 35 (1):18-31.
    Behind every sermon lies an understanding of the nature of the Bible; by its contribution to that understanding, biblical studies can make a crucial difference for preaching.
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    Aids and Resources for the Interpretation of Lectionary Texts.Elizabeth Aghtemeier - 1977 - Interpretation 31 (2):154-164.
    The scope of the lectionaries currently in use require the preacher to master a vast range of biblical material. A wide variety of resources are available to help them in this work.
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  44. Spring 1997.Elizabeth Anderson - manuscript
    My scholarly work on the problem of race relations began with a general inquiry into the theory of economic inequality. Specifically, my 1981 paper, "Intergenerational Transfers and the Distribution of Earnings," which appeared in the journal Econometrica, introduced a model of economic achievement in which a person's earnings depended on a random endowment of innate ability and on skills acquired from formal training. The key feature of this theory was that individuals had to rely on their families to pay for (...)
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    Legal artifice: lessons from the United States.Elizabeth S. Anker - 2022 - Jurisprudence 13 (2):258-266.
    What happens when adjudication signals its own artifice? Or when jurisprudence is animated by what Maksymilian Del Mar calls ‘legal artifacts’ that invite us to suspend certain of our prevailing no...
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  46. Metaphysics and the philosophy of mind: collected philosophical papers vol. 2.Elizabeth Anscombe - 1981 - Blackwell.
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    And a criticism.Charles W. Armstrong - 1929 - The Eugenics Review 20 (4):302.
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  48. Eugenics in Spain.C. W. Armstrong - 1928 - The Eugenics Review 20 (2).
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    Fichte's conception of a League of nations.A. C. Armstrong - 1932 - Journal of Philosophy 29 (6):153-158.
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    From Quinlan to Jobes: The Courts and the PVS Patient.Paul W. Armstrong & B. D. Colen - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (1):37.
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